Saturday 30 August 2014

I never thought of breaking world records – Bolt

Last week, Usain Bolt celebrated his 28th
birthday, and also the five-year anniversary of
the two world records he set at the 2009 IAAF
World Championships in Berlin. For more than
three decades, no 100m world record has stood
for such a period, and no one other than Bolt has
moved the world record forward by more than a
tenth of a second since the measurement of time
in second hundredths was introduced. News24
finds out what the world’s fastest man thinks
about his accomplishments, his legacy and what
else he has broken besides records
Your 100m record has now stood for five years.
It’s been more than three decades since the
100m World Record was unbroken for that
period. Why do you think your record from Berlin
has stood for so long?
I don’t know really. For me I’ve struggled with
injuries over the past five years so it’s been hard
to be in the condition that I was in Berlin to
really challenge that record. In London I felt
good, and I wasn’t far away but everything has
to be in your favour – your condition, the
weather, the track, and then if you execute your
race perfectly from the start through the
transition and then driving to the line – then you
have a chance.
In Berlin, you moved the World Record forward
by more than a tenth of a second, no-one has
done that since the measurement of time in
hundredths of a second was introduced more
than fifty years ago. Is that a key part of your
Yes, I think it is definitely part of it. But gold
medals are what I’ve always counted as being
the main aspect of my legacy, winning three gold
medals again in London and defending those
100m, 200m and the 4x100m titles was the
moment. I’m looking ahead to Rio and I really
want to be in a position to win those medals
again. If I did, I think people would talk about
that for a long time.
Thinking back to that 100m final in Berlin, what
do you remember of the night?
I remember the night well, the atmosphere in the
stadium, walking out there and hearing the
people. The crowd was brilliant. I was in really
good shape. I felt good and had a confidence
that I was going to do it. The track was so quick
as well, I liked the blue track. I remember that I
started really well that night, and ran really hard
through the line. It was a great night. I was
going there to prove myself to the world again,
that I was the best in my discipline.
And the 200m final four days later?
It was a similar experience. I ran conservatively
through the heats and so had good energy for
the final, which I knew I was going to need.
Coming off the bend I knew I was running
quickly and I was just focused on pumping my
arms well and opening up my legs. I wanted to
win, but win well more than run a quick time –
but when I saw 19.19 on the clock after I
finished I was really happy.
Looking back further still, when did you first
believe you could break a World Record?
I can’t really remember, because it wasn’t
something I thought about. I was always a 200m
runner, that was my thing but my coach wanted
me to try the 100m which I did and I liked it, and
learned I was quick. But World Records were
never something I thought about.
How did things change for you after New York?
People started paying more attention to me. I
think that was the moment I really arrived in
track and field. It was an Olympic year so there
was a real spotlight on the sport to see what
kind of form athletes were in and so there was
some good interest in me. But Beijing was where
it all started.
So the Legend of Usain Bolt was really born in
Beijing. Had you ever considered that you could
return to Jamaica with three gold medals?
I dreamed about it, but never thought it would
actually happen.
Next year the World Championships are in that
stadium and I’m really looking forward to going
back to where it all began.
You were the first sprinter since Don Quarrie to
hold both 100m and 200m world records
simultaneously. How much did you know about
him growing up, did he inspire you?
Yes, everybody knew about Don, as a young kid
he was a hero of mine. He did great things to
raise the profile of Jamaica as a nation in track
and field and what he did in the 100m and 200m
was phenomenal. So to be mentioned alongside
him is a real honour for me.
Before the Olympics in London you said you
wanted to become a legend and win the gold
medals again, which you proved to the world. If
you were to win more gold medals in Rio, what
would that make you?
I think I would still be a legend. It’s hard to
imagine anyone would do that again, so I’m in a
privileged position to be going for it. That would
keep people talking about me for years to come.
Looking ahead, which of the two records is the
one you can most challenge?
I think the 200m. I would love to take that
record below the 19 second mark, as that is
something I’d be really proud of. That is a goal
of mine, and the possibility is there. I need to
stay injury free for an entire season, from pre-
season training all the way through then I know
I can do it.
Where do you feel you can take the 100m and
200m – on a perfect day on a fast track, in peak
condition, what is pushing the absolute
The 200m is the one where I can really push it.
I’ve thought about this a fair bit, as I said,
taking it below 19 seconds is what I think I can
do. That would be pushing it to the limit.
Records aside, what else have you broken over
the past five years?
A lot of play station controllers. Playing ‘Call of
Duty’ online is frustrating when the internet
connection isn’t good – so I’ve broken a fair few
play station controllers.
What makes you `Forever Faster’?
Everything. It’s a great slogan, it describes me
perfectly. I am forever faster, when PUMA came
up with this I thought, yes – this is me.

Source; Punch Nigeria

Via @FreshMindWorld

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