Sunday 24 November 2013



When was the first time you were on radio?
I would say it was in the US where I studied Mass Communication. Our class was like a radio station for the school because we had to do practical. We were broadcasting in the class and that was in 1986. Asides class, the first time was with Ray Power in 1994/95.
When was the first time you appeared on television?
Television was a year later when AIT started. I was elated because it was something I had always wanted to do. I was part of the pioneers of the first 24-hours television service and it was huge for me. Making history made me elated because it was something new to me, to be part of the team gave me a good felling.
What is the name of your first car?
That was a Ford Siesta. I got it in 1981 when I just started in school. It was a typical student car that was there to get me around. I got it for about $2,500.
What is the name of your first child?
Jazmyne Adeneye and she is 19-years-old.
What is the name of your first best friend?
His name is Dennis Akiti. I met him when I was 8-years-old in primary school and we have been friends even till now.
Who was your first mentor?
I would say my father is my first mentor. I patterned my life to be like his. Whenever I am at a cross road, I think of what my father would do at such and I follow suit with what I believe he would do.
Who was the first person that believed in you?
I would still say it was my father because while growing, I was some sort of a bad boy. He kept telling me that he knew I would amount to something in life. He never gave up on me and said that I would do way better than he did in life. So far, he was right.
What is the name of your first love?
Her name is Yetunde. I met her during my Higher School Certificate. I spent few months in the school, Federal School of Arts which is now the Law School before I travelled abroad and we lost contact.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

Your ‘second’ wedding can be beautiful as well BY ELIZABETH BADEJO

Getting married for the second time is not unusual as almost 40 per cent of wedding ceremonies today would involve someone who has been married before. What was once regarded as dishonourable and unworthy of celebrating  has today become acceptable and  there are many reasons to rejoice with couples involved.
There are many questions most couples marrying again often ask: Can I wear white? Can we have an elaborate wedding? Can we have a religious ceremony?  You can have your dream wedding the second time around but there are certain restrictions and sometimes dilemma which come with such marriages. But with experience and maturity, you are sure to breeze through them with ease.
Who is coming to the wedding
Announcing your wedding to your families and friends may have mixed  reactions, for those who truly care about you, it’s been long awaited news and the mood will be joyous but for others who may have their own reservations, it could be everything but pleasant. Another issue is deciding who will be invited to your wedding considering the circumstances, especially if you still have a close relationship with your former in-laws. You may want to invite them but ensure that your spouse is carried along and understands your intentions too.
Children involved          
Sensitivity is the word when announcing your intending marriage to your children from your previous marriages as most children would naturally frown at sharing their parent with a new man or woman. But it is important to engage them in dialogue which also allows them to express their concerns. It is also important that you lay the cards on the table for them and prepare them for the future. The more they know now the better for the inevitable changes and the more transparent you are with them now the better for all concerned in the end.
Do it your way
For many couples marrying again, it is a great opportunity to do something that radiates your personalities and hold your purse strings full with your own ideas of a truly unforgettable wedding. It is also important that you do not try to confine your partner into past images of your last wedding as this is not your second or third, it is your first wedding as a couple and a fresh start. An elaborate white wedding may have seemed right in your twenties but in your forties, older and wiser, you may prefer a small intimate affair as you are more likely going to pay for your own wedding. On the other hand, you may also want to throw a big wedding if that fits into your lifestyles as couples if money is not an issue.
You can wear white
White is synonymous with purity and virginity and many brides marrying for the second time are usually uncomfortable  wearing it. They prefer the off shades of ivory or cream but that is just a myth. White simply is the colour for celebration and if you absolutely feel like wearing it, it is your own celebration. You can wear white if that is your choice. You may also prefer to wear a less traditional wedding dress or a cocktail dress depending on your style of wedding. A veil is perfectly acceptable and appropriate too if you are having a religious blessing.
The decision to marry again for many may have come after years of fear and apprehensions having gone through distressed marriages. The freedom and confidence to move forward may only be found in a second attempt and celebrating your new lives together is a great way to kick start the journey.
There may be restrictions to the kind of marriage you can have in terms of certain religious rites but you can make those promises and commitments with just as much passion  second time around as long as you are able to see it as a fresh start and determined to relive your wedding dreams with someone you truly love.         GOOD LUCK

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

Coloured blazers BY ADEMOLA OLONILUA

Women are not the only ones with the bragging rights to coloured blazers. Stylish men have been seen in vibrant coloured jackets worn with anything from jeans to matching pants.
With more men becoming acquainted with style and fashion, the desire to stand out has increased tenfolds and that is where coloured blazers come to fore
However, making a fashion statement with a key item is one of the easiest ways to achieve such individuality. But it can also be tricky. Get it wrong and the consequences can be dire but get it right and you have an outfit that few others could even dream of.
With men’s gradual acceptance of colour, a bold and creative blazer is a fantastic way to make your statement; mixing tailoring, refined lines and the structure we all crave, with a sense of playfulness and daring that can often make the difference between good style and great style.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

Common injuries during sex and their prevention BY FUNMI AKINGBADE

Funmi Akingbade
| credits: File copy

Bone fracture can happen during sex, especially if you naturally do not have a straight leg. If you are the type that loves salt and you take in too much sodium, you may likely be prone to fracture while experimenting with some new sex styles or positions. This is because while excess of sodium is removed during urination, it unfortunately takes huge amount of calcium along which makes the bone to be deficient of calcium and may lead to fracture during active sexual play. It is advisable to eat more fresh food, especially vegetables and egg yolks; they are a good source of vitamin D and calcium. These are crucial for your bones, and then cut back on sodium. You may also experience some form of fracture during sex if you take medications like steroids, cholesterol-lowering drugs, some weight loss drugs and some blood thinners.
Intake of soda drinks seems to decrease the density of bones; probably because of the phosphoric acid in them. It is better to just drink a glass of water or homemade juice. And too much of alcohol also slows the formation of new bone tissue; so it is better to stick to healthy wine drink. Sitting too much at one spot damages the back bones and in order to have healthy back for good sexual activities, try to move about and add weight-bearing exercise to your daily activities such as tennis, dancing or jogging.
Cigarettes are bad for your whole body and that includes your bones. Studies have shown a strong link between smoking and a decrease in bone density. And women who smoke make less oestrogen, a hormone that is key to bone health and healthy sex. Couples who are overweight rarely will have low bone density and being too thin raises your chance of developing osteoporosis. I am not suggesting obesity is a safe or healthy way of life but consider your bone health before starting a weight-loss programme.
 Sex isn’t a minefield of dangers, but accidents can and do happen. So, when you’re imagining how good it will feel, also try to think of how bad it could feel if something went wrong. Most often, these mishaps are sustained while having sex in non-traditional settings, such as on stairs, over kitchen tables, in closets or when trying new sexual positions. It is therefore very paramount to have safety tips at hand. So, what are these safety tips, you may ask. Most of the safety tips are just common sense.  If anything causes discomfort, it should be discontinued immediately and just because something is supposed to be ‘fun,’ it doesn’t mean it works for everyone. If it’s going to destroy your health, then stay in your familiar territories.
Do not to push yourself past your own level of flexibility or cardiovascular health. Some people can’t touch their toes while some have been advised by their  doctors not to raise their heart rate [following a heart attack or stroke]. So, when it starts to get physically stressful, they may have problems.
It is wise to watch out for potential danger.  I’m not talking about danger of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and those are dangerous too, obviously: but rather, I’m talking about the rug burn, the pulled hair, and the overzealous nipple bite. What some partners may naturally not count as “injuries” during rough sex due to strange fantasies may send them to the hospital. For instance, some people say they enjoy hard face slapping, spanking with belt, hard hair pulling, pushing and pulling like a doll. This is definitely a sign of disrespect to the personality of the receiver and it still baffles me how someone would receive reddish swollen marks, scratch and bruising, strain, and still such acts are excitement of intensity pleasures and arousals. My question is, since when does pain or crack become a form of enjoyment and relaxation?
 Don’t expect heart stopping intercourse, it may claim your life. Although at the moment of sexual escapade, it might not seem like you are endangering your heart and life because of the amount of fun you’re experiencing at that moment, but remember that sex is still a form of exercise with particularly steamy sessions burning over 300 calories in an hour. And research has found that the increased physical exertion during sexual activity can actually triple your risk of a heart attack in the hours shortly after it.
Questions and Answers
My vagina aches nonstop
I gave birth to my first child three months ago. I noticed that anytime my husband and I are  making love, a part in my vagina aches me nonstop and at times, it aches me and stops. Sometimes when I want to urinate, it aches a little. At first, I felt it was injury from the stitches I had after delivery because I was given episiotomy in two places but after ‘sit bath’ with salt, I felt it ought to have stopped. Please, is it normal?
Obiagheli Silvanus
Hi Obi, you should still continue with your sit bath and also Kegel exercise ‘sit bath’ should be done as long as you still feel the pain or produce some blood stain discharge from your vagina.
At what stage should a lady start douching?
Every lady in my hostel does vaginal douching. My best friend says it is very helpful and that my not doing it may harm me. I am confused. Is it healthy or harmful? At what stage should a lady start douching?
Mimili jamiu Hamed
The word ‘’douche’’ is French for ‘’wash’’ or ‘’soak.’’ It is a method to wash out the vagina, usually with a mixture of water and vinegar. An estimated 20 per cent to 40 per cent women between ages 15 and 44 say they use a vaginal douche. They say it helps to get rid of unpleasant odours, wash away menstrual blood after their period, avoid getting sexually transmitted diseases, and prevent a pregnancy after intercourse, besides making them feel fresher. Douching is not effective for any of these purposes. It can actually increase the risk of infections, pregnancy complications, and other health problems. One study found that douching during the six months before pregnancy reduced the risk of preterm delivery. Overall, the risks of douching far outweigh the benefits. Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina; these changes make the environment more favourable for the growth of bacteria that cause infection. Research has found that women who douche have a 73 per cent higher risk of getting PID. Women who douche more than once a week have more difficulty getting pregnant than those who don’t douche. Douching also increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy by as much as 76 per cent. With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo implants outside the uterus. The more a woman douches, the greater the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Douching at least once a week has been linked to an increased chance of developing cervical cancer. You should avoid douching. Having some vaginal odour is normal. However, if you notice a very strong odour, it could be a sign of infection. The acidity of the vagina will naturally control bacteria, and simply washing the vagina with warm water and mild soap is enough to keep clean.
Is it true that women have a harder time losing weight than men?
Is it true that women have a harder time losing weight than men and does one’s genes always control whether one can lose weight fast or not? I have been trying to lose weight to enjoy sex better but all my efforts are not enough. My husband said it is in my gene. Please, explain better.
Tope Omolaya
While everyone is different, women typically find it harder to lose weight than men. That’s because men have more lean muscle mass and a higher resting metabolic rate. Also, women store fat differently from men; more of it goes to their thighs, buttocks, and hips, where it can be harder to shed. Also the female hormones promote the storage of calories as fat, and fat takes up more space than muscle. Genes can have a great impact on how hard or how easy it is for one to lose weight, but a person’s lifestyle and habits are far more important. Some people are bound to carry more fat on their bodies because of their genes. No matter what their lifestyle choices, they may never be as thin as people with thinner genes. You can offset some of those genetic tendencies, however, and lose weight by being more active. Whatever your weight, good nutrition and regular exercise are important for your sex life and overall health.
I got married not knowing that I was pregnant for my former boyfriend
I got married not knowing that I was pregnant for my former boyfriend. Now, the baby is born for my husband, what do I do? I am confused even though none of them is aware of the situation on ground.
Blessing Andrew
I think you first need to pray to God for a divine intervention and wisdom on how to present the matter to your husband. Then approach him and open up; do not hold anything back. Tell him the whole truth; nothing but the truth. Then ask him for his decision on the matter, assuring him that his decision is what you will abide with. He may likely suggest you both keep the child and the child bear his name or your former boyfriend’s name, or he may suggest you give the baby to either of your parents, or he may suggest that you give the baby back to the owner or give the baby up for adoption. Whatever the suggestion may be, please be prepared but he deserves to know the truth because the truth will reveal itself sooner or later. It will be chaotic when he discovers this from another source and not from you.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

I can’t shave my hair, I’m not that confident – Sheyi Shay

Sheyi Shay

Singer, Seyi Shay, tells Ademola Olonilua about her style and fashion
Would you rather wear weaves or your natural hair?
Personally, I would opt for a weave. I would rather rock a weave because it is more versatile than my natural hair. There are so many hair styles I can do with a weave that I cannot do with my natural hair. I think a person can do more styles with a weave.
Do you have a favourite hairstyle?
I prefer the chin length or short cut. I feel a lot comfortable in these hairstyles. It also depends on what I am doing at the moment. Some shoots tend to dictate what I would look like for a period of time but basically, I like chin length or short cut.
How long does it usually take you to make your hair?
Well, most times it usually depends on the style. On an average I would say it takes about two hours to make my hair.
Why is it that recently, more women are cutting their hair or going for short hairdo?
I think lately more women are cutting their hair or going shorter because they are becoming more confident with their femininity and it is also a brave fashion statement.
Can you for any reason shave your hair and be comfortable with it?
I could never shave my head. I would not feel comfortable and I am not that confident.
Can we ever catch you without make-up?
I prefer looking natural. It feels so good to be natural. Also, it’s nice to let your skin breathe but because of the nature of my business, I have to put on make-up sometimes.
Would you rather buy a Nigerian designer’s cloth or a foreign designer’s?
In my view, I think Nigerian designers are doing a great job. There are a lot of creative Nigerian designers. These days, I find myself buying and wearing more of Nigerian designers. I think it is amazing to support our own. I always wear Nigerian designers. I prefer our creativity and uniqueness.
Is there really a difference between fashion and style?
Fashion is what everyone follows. Style is more personal. Fashion trends come and go but a person’s style sticks except when he or she wants to try something new, something different.
What influences your fashion trend?
I really love classic pieces. I most especially love styles from the 20’s, 40’s, 80’s. Also, the French vogue is one of my favourites.
What is that fashion item you can’t leave home without?
I must always have a pair of heels in my car. Heels change your posture and you can wear them with everything. They come in very handy.
Apparently, shoes must be your weakness…
Without thinking twice I would say I love shoes. That is my fashion weakness. I own so many perfumes and countless pairs of shoes and some more I would never wear again but can’t let go of.
How much did your most expensive heels cost?
My most expensive heels cost a lot.
How is it competing with men in the industry?
There are more men in the industry than the women and the men get to experiment more. We women have to be very careful the way we portray ourselves because of our culture.  Being in a predominantly male industry is hard. As a female, I need to work harder everything including shows. But I never really get intimidated. I respect everyone’s workmanship and I learn also.
Would you say the industry is fair to female artistes?
The industry should give female artistes more shows and more money for their workmanship. That said, I actually think it is getting better.
Don’t you think your celebrity status scare men away from you?
It’s a double edge sword. I get people just sending me messages that they love me. I appreciate all the love from the fans; their support keep me going.
Are you in a relationship with the rap artiste Vector?
No. We are not in a relationship.
So where did the rumours come from?
I’m not in a relationship with Vector. The rumour may have come from our performance together at this year’s Felabration. We ended our set with a friendly hug and people thought there was something more.
Do you find him at least attractive especially his fashion side?
I think he has a nice dress sense. I’m not attracted to him.
What fashion item do you admire on a man?
I admire men who wear good shoes and a well tailored suit.
What is your take on cleavage exposure and ladies wearing skimpy dresses?
My advice is that you should just make sure you wear it and it does not wear you. Think about that for a minute. People should admire the dress on you and not the other way round or people admiring only the dress.
How do you maintain your voice?
I make a conscious effort not to shout. Also, I drink a lot of water and I sing everyday as a form of voice exercise.
Who shopped for you when you were growing up?
My mother did all the shopping for me when I was growing. She rarely got my taste though.
Why did you leave the UK for Nigeria to start music?
The challenge attracted me. The fertility in the industry was and is more promising than anywhere else in the world right now.
People are of the opinion that you are copying the likes of Beyonce and Tiwa Savage, what do you have to say to that?
They are both very different so who exactly am I copying? The whole world is influenced by Beyonce. So that’s unfair. Beyonce is an inspiration to us all.
What are you currently working on?
I am working on my Ragga Ragga video, my album and further build the Seyi Shay brand.
When performing during shows, how do you come up with the costumes you use?
My stylist and I usually talk about style and image before every event.
What are the gains and pains of being famous?
The gains and pains include people appreciating my work in different ways, travelling round the world and doing what I love. On the other side, it is a very lonely journey and many sacrifices are made to get to the desired destination.
Would you say you stand-out with your fashion sense compared to other ladies in the industry?
I hope I stand out with my fashion sense. What would you say?
When stepping out for an event, what are the things you consider?
I try to avoid being over dressed for any event.  I always take a last look in the mirror and then, take off an accessory.
How did this whole music thing start?
Music, singing, performing for me started back in the UK, when I was part of my school gospel choir.
How were you able to adapt when you came back to Nigeria?
Settling back in the country was really a piece of cake. I have lived here before and my mother brought me to Lagos every year since I was two years old. I am home and there is no place like it.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

Monday 18 November 2013

Jay-Z And Barneys Address Racial Profiling

Picture credit: Rex Features
JAY-Z will continue working with Barneys on a Christmas collaborative collection, despite allegations that the store is guilty of racial profiling - on the condition that he will have a "leadership role" in addressing the issues. In response to the speculation, the rapper and store have pledged to increase the percentage of profits given to the Shawn Carter Foundation - which provides educational opportunities to young people facing difficulties - to 100 per cent, compared to 25 per cent agreed originally.
When the range - which involves design partners such as Lanvin, Balenciaga and Balmain - launches on Wednesday, Barneys will see that a further 10 per cent of all retail sales from all its stores and, with a minimum donation of $1 million, WWD reports. The chain came under fire last month after two shoppers were reportedly detained by the police outside one of its stores, having made expensive purchases - allegations currently being investigated.
"While I await the findings of the Attorney General's office, I have agreed to move forward with the launch of BNY SCC collection under the condition that I have a leadership role and seat on a council specifically convened to deal with the issue of racial profiling," Jay-Z said on his website. "I am in a unique position to use my voice to affect change to this disturbing issue. The easy position would have been to walk away and leave policy making to others hoping that someone addresses the problem. I will not leave the outcome to others. I will take this into my own hands with full power to recommend, review and revise policies and guidelines moving forward. I am choosing to take this head on."

Via; @FreshMindWorld

Is ON Motcomb On Your Fashion Radar Yet?

WITH the festive season fast approaching, desirable eveningwear is high on our shopping lists. To the rescue is ON Motcomb - a boutique specialising in luxury ensembles for stylish nights - which now has a dedicated space in Fenwick.
"The concept behind ON Motcomb was born after we noticed that there was a gap in the market in London for a store specialising in eveningwear," said fashion director Noor Al Sabah. "There was also no shop that offered an authoritive industry viewpoint and a defined edit from a cross section of the most important fashion houses."
Although ON Motcomb opened its first shop in Belgravia this summer, it still remains a relative fashion secret, offering an edit of fashion's most covetable evening dresses, as well as exclusive pieces by labels such as Erdem and Marios Schwab. Think show-stopping gowns from Giambattista Valli, Marchesa and Monique L'Huillier.
"Designers were chosen for their stand-out eveningwear - the most exciting looks off the catwalk," said Al Sabah. "In the UK, we decided to work with designers who we had close relationships with and therefore who we could work with on special pieces and one-off exclusives."
Al Sabah's background lies in Middle Eastern retail - she trained at Central Saint Martins and later at Parsons School of Art and Design, before becoming fashion director of luxury Kuwait department store AlOthman, a position she still holds.
"There can be more of a resistance in London when it comes to price point and style," Al Sabah said of the difference between her British and Kuwaiti clientele. "Luckily, however, at ON Motcomb we have clients who are adventurous and open to trying more daring pieces, although we do accommodate women who like a more understated elegance too."

Via; @FreshMindWorld

Artiste, Father U-turn, dies at 36

Father U-turn
| credits: File copy

Several musicians, including Daddy Showkey and Alariwo of Afrika, have expressed shock at the death of dancehall musician, Olufemi Mayomi, popularly called Father U-Turn.
Although some reports suggested that the artiste died of kidney-related complications,  a statement by the Publisher of Nigerian Entertainment News Today, Ayeni Adekunle, indicated that Father U-Turn died after a brief illness.
The Kaba-Bunu, Kogi- State-born artiste, who made waves in the 1990s, was 36.
Father U-Turn shot into limelight after releasing a song titled ‘Yetunde,’ in which he featured popular fuji act, Pasuma Wonder.
He was also respected for other hit songs like ‘African Culture’ and ‘Shakara’.
Reacting to news of the death, Showkey said in a telephone interview that he never knew Father U-Turn was ill.
The artiste, who was on his way to a show said, “I did not know that Father U-Turn is dead. I did not even know that he was sick. This is a surprise to me. Oh, my God. I can’t even say anything now. He was a good musician.”
Also, Alariwo described the development as a sad one.
According to him, what makes it shocking and more painful is the fact that many of the colleagues of the deceased were not aware that he was sick.
Alariwo added, “When I heard the sad news, I had to ask if it was really true. They said he had kidney problems. If we were aware, we would have been able to rally round and contributed our own quota to get him back to his feet. May his soul rest in peace.”
He described Father U-Turn as a musician who was unique in his own way.
“He fused raga with highlife and fuji. He was the first dancehall artiste to feature Pasuma Wonder. His music was very commercial.”
Also in a telephone chat with our correspondent, juju act, Dele Taiwo, said the news of Father U Turn’s death was unbelievable.
Saying that he would also be remembered for his exploits in galala dance, Taiwo added, “How could something like that happen to one of us without anyone knowing about it? It is so sad.”
Another contemporary of the deceased, Friday Igwe, otherwise called Baba Fryo, described Father U-Turn as a friendly person.
He said, “I’m so sad because he was my good friend. May his soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

Govt can create jobs without spending – Ifeji

Mr. Godwin Ifeji
| credits: File copy

Mr. Godwin Ifeji is an information technology consultant with specialty in job creation. He tells Okechukwu Nnodim how government can create jobs ‘without spending a dime’

Why are you canvassing job creation?
It is because I have a passion for creating jobs in Nigeria. This passion is mainly to help the government to create jobs in areas that they don’t know about and they will not spend a dime in doing this. So, lack of funding cannot be an excuse, for this idea has to do with policy initiative. There are over 12 areas that I know can generate jobs, but my foremost interest is in the health care industry. Nigeria’s health sector can generate additional 1.5 million jobs if this policy is initiated and implemented.
How can this be achieved?
When you visit hospitals today, you will discover that there is no Electronic Record Management System. They don’t have proper ERMS and this is an opportunity for the government to key in and make a policy that will create jobs through this means. I see no reason why a hospital will be generating millions every month without creating enough jobs through ERMS.
Citing an instance, in 2004, former President George Bush of the United States announced a federal initiative for all health care systems to transit from paper-based management to electronic-based data management. Again, President Barack Obama has seen health care information technology in general and ERMS in particular as key to improving the quality of the sector while reducing cost. Working with the congress, the President secured a major investment in that sector when he signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law. So, people who know about these things are keying into it and are making laws to help create jobs.
There have been cases where patients die in hospitals while waiting for attendants to get their file from heaps of documents in cabinets. But if we have electronic systems, all it will take is to log into the computer and in seconds the patient’s file is out. So, the government should make a policy that will mandate hospitals to have ERMS personnel and when you calculate the number of jobs this will create, you will realise that it will be more than 1.5 million. This will not only create jobs but will save lives.
Won’t this be too expensive for hospitals in the country?
The government might decide to support, but the important thing that should be stated here is that any hospital that cannot afford to buy the software has no reason to be in the health care delivery sector. It is like telling the Federal Inland Revenue Service that every year, you incur losses. If that persists, then you should know that the FIRS will tell you to close shop. So, if you don’t meet standard, you should not operate because there has been so much complications with carrying files at hospitals.
How did you realise this figure of 1.5 million jobs?
According to records from the agencies that we have managed, we’ve figured out that pharmaceutical stores in Abuja alone for instance are more than 1,500 and there are so many that we don’t know, located in the nooks and crannies of suburbs. The hospitals, both government-owned and private ones, are up to 200. Now, the big medical centres should be able to have a functional ERMS, which should have not less than 15 employees.
The issue of salary is not a problem because once you are able to implement ERMS, you charge fees for it. By so doing, you generate revenue. And you will agree with me that every patient, who comes to the hospital, will ask for his or her record. Now, some people will say it is going to increase the cost of health care. But is life not more important than an extra N500 fee charged for swift and efficient record keeping?
What should be the Federal Government’s input to this?
The caveat to this is that the Federal Government should have a central health care system for this to work properly. This system will integrate all the hospital applications. This means that all of the hospitals must link to the central health care system. So, as a patient of an Abuja hospital, if you go to Lagos, they will be able to retrieve the information stating that you used the National Hospital, FCT. I once took ill when I went to work in Atlanta, the United States, and this was far away from Dallas where I lived. When I visited a hospital there, they pulled my records as supplied by the central system and told me what I’d treated before. This helped in getting the right prescription for me at a much reduced cost as the doctors were able to decipher what was wrong with me fast.
So, I’m thinking that if the government can do what is right, we will get things working in this country. I am passionate about my country and I think this is my own little way of moving the nation forward because this is one of the most interesting places to live in the world.
How would you differentiate this from the NHIS?
NHIS is the National Health Insurance Scheme and insurance mainly covers you on things that are new not the problems that have been there for a long time. For instance, if you have a wrecked car and you insure it, the insurance firm will not pay for it. If you visit a hospital when you already have a heart disease, and you are on the NHIS despite the fact that the ailment has been there for long, since there is no record to show that, the scheme will be spending much money on your health. This should not be so. But with this initiative, things like that will be stopped because your medical records will be checked with ease before any treatment is given to you.
This is only one of the benefits of this policy to the NHIS. There are a lot of benefits which this will have on the health sector generally. I’m very sure that it will reduce deaths at hospitals by a very good margin.
Have you made any effort to educate the government on this?
It is terrible. You write proposals and they will steal it. They will change your letter heading, name, e-payment and everything that links the idea to you. After making it their own, they will approve it. It has happened not once and not twice. However, if they can make it work, then it is good. But the sad thing is that they won’t.
We face the problem of having our ideas stolen and used without mentioning our input in anyway. Most time I see my ideas being utilised by some ministries and they do this without telling me that they appreciate the idea. Except on a few occasions that I met them in conferences and I made noise there, then they will plead for calm but will not act aright. So, that is why some of us with laudable ideas are very careful nowadays.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

First Bank supports education advancement

First Bank logo
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First Bank of Nigeria Limited has expressed its commitment to education advancement in the country by holding the maiden edition of Future First, its career counselling and financial literacy initiative.
The initiative, according to the Group Head, Retail Banking, First Bank, Mr. Seyi Oyefeso, is aimed at ensuring that the nation’s youths are financially independent through the acquisition of the right financial knowledge and fulfilling careers.
Oyefeso, at the maiden edition of the programme in Lagos, said it was tailored towards the empowerment of secondary school pupils between 12 and 17 years, to build fulfilling careers and be better equipped with tools and knowledge for a long-term financial independence.
Hundreds of pupils from selected secondary schools in the state participated in the programme held at De Halls Events Place in Ikeja, Lagos.
The bank, Oyefeso said, was setting the pace in this regard through its Corporate Social Responsibility platform, to avert the negative effects that may result from financial indiscipline and inadequate career choices among the youth.
In implementing this initiative, the banker said volunteers from several departments in the bank would assist in the facilitation of the career counselling programme for the pupils.
 “This support from our staff members comes on the heels of the First Bank Employee Volunteering Scheme, which allows our employees to individually and collectively contribute to social responsibility projects, to further entrench community development and corporate responsibility as core components of our organisational culture,” he said.
He thanked the Lagos Empowerment and Resource Network and Junior Achievement Nigeria for their support in driving the career counselling and financial literacy among the pupils.
He said, “We enjoin everyone to always remember the words of Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, who said, ‘we cannot always build the future for our youths, but we can build our youths for the future.’
“At First Bank, we believe that young people represent our future and we remain committed to achieving the dreams of the younger generation.”
The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, Lagos State, Mrs. Omolara Erogbogbo, commended the bank for the initiative, which she described as laudable.
According to her, many youths have derailed because of the wrong career choices they made or that were made for them.
She said, “Hence, it is our collective responsibility to consciously guide these children and instil in them financial discipline and planning so that they become adults we can be very proud of.
“You will all agree with me that when these young minds are trained early enough about career choices and financial knowledge, they will make better individuals who will make significant breakthroughs for our nation.”

Source : Punch Nigeria

Via; @FreshMindWorld

Saturday 16 November 2013

Jay Z To Move Forward With Barneys Collection Amid Racial Profiling Controversy

As part of the Barneys deal, Jay will have a leadership role on a council 'specifically convened to deal with the issue of racial profiling.'

Jay Z 
Photo: Getty Images

Shortly after two Barneys shoppers came forward last month accusing the high-end retailer of racial profiling, more than 50,000 people have called upon Jay Z to send a "clear message" by calling off his partnership with them. But on Friday (November 15), Hov announced on his Life and Times website that he plans to move forward with his NNY SCC collection, under the condition that he has a leadership role on a council "specifically convened to deal with the issue of racial profiling."
"I am in a unique position to use my voice to affect change to this disturbing issue," Jay wrote. "The easy position would have been to walk away and leave policy making to others hoping that someone addresses the problem. I will not leave the outcome to others. I will take this into my own hands with full power to recommend, review and revise policies and guidelines moving forward. I am choosing to take this head on."
Until now, Hov had avoided making any concrete decisions on his collection's future, saying he wanted to wait until he could meet with community leaders and Barneys and hear from the New York State Attorney General's Office about investigations into the racial-profiling case. In a previous statement, Jay Z asked, "If I make snap judgements, no matter who it's towards, aren't I committing the same sin as someone who profiles?"
Additionally, Jay announced Friday, 100 percent of the collection's proceeds will now go to Jay's Shawn Carter Foundation, a charity that awards scholarships to students facing socio-economic hardships. The charity will also get an extra 10 percent of all retail sales from any purchases made at Barneys stores or on on November 20, the day the collection is slated to kick off. The Foundation was originally supposed to receive 25 percent of the profit, with Barney's receiving the remaining 75 percent.
Despite speculation that Jay was staying in the deal for his own financial gain, the MC had maintained in a previous statement that "I am not making a dime from this collection... This money is going to help individuals facing socio-economic hardships to help further their education at institutions of higher learning. My idea was born out of creativity and charity... not profit."