Sunday 24 November 2013

Common injuries during sex and their prevention BY FUNMI AKINGBADE

Funmi Akingbade
| credits: File copy

Bone fracture can happen during sex, especially if you naturally do not have a straight leg. If you are the type that loves salt and you take in too much sodium, you may likely be prone to fracture while experimenting with some new sex styles or positions. This is because while excess of sodium is removed during urination, it unfortunately takes huge amount of calcium along which makes the bone to be deficient of calcium and may lead to fracture during active sexual play. It is advisable to eat more fresh food, especially vegetables and egg yolks; they are a good source of vitamin D and calcium. These are crucial for your bones, and then cut back on sodium. You may also experience some form of fracture during sex if you take medications like steroids, cholesterol-lowering drugs, some weight loss drugs and some blood thinners.
Intake of soda drinks seems to decrease the density of bones; probably because of the phosphoric acid in them. It is better to just drink a glass of water or homemade juice. And too much of alcohol also slows the formation of new bone tissue; so it is better to stick to healthy wine drink. Sitting too much at one spot damages the back bones and in order to have healthy back for good sexual activities, try to move about and add weight-bearing exercise to your daily activities such as tennis, dancing or jogging.
Cigarettes are bad for your whole body and that includes your bones. Studies have shown a strong link between smoking and a decrease in bone density. And women who smoke make less oestrogen, a hormone that is key to bone health and healthy sex. Couples who are overweight rarely will have low bone density and being too thin raises your chance of developing osteoporosis. I am not suggesting obesity is a safe or healthy way of life but consider your bone health before starting a weight-loss programme.
 Sex isn’t a minefield of dangers, but accidents can and do happen. So, when you’re imagining how good it will feel, also try to think of how bad it could feel if something went wrong. Most often, these mishaps are sustained while having sex in non-traditional settings, such as on stairs, over kitchen tables, in closets or when trying new sexual positions. It is therefore very paramount to have safety tips at hand. So, what are these safety tips, you may ask. Most of the safety tips are just common sense.  If anything causes discomfort, it should be discontinued immediately and just because something is supposed to be ‘fun,’ it doesn’t mean it works for everyone. If it’s going to destroy your health, then stay in your familiar territories.
Do not to push yourself past your own level of flexibility or cardiovascular health. Some people can’t touch their toes while some have been advised by their  doctors not to raise their heart rate [following a heart attack or stroke]. So, when it starts to get physically stressful, they may have problems.
It is wise to watch out for potential danger.  I’m not talking about danger of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and those are dangerous too, obviously: but rather, I’m talking about the rug burn, the pulled hair, and the overzealous nipple bite. What some partners may naturally not count as “injuries” during rough sex due to strange fantasies may send them to the hospital. For instance, some people say they enjoy hard face slapping, spanking with belt, hard hair pulling, pushing and pulling like a doll. This is definitely a sign of disrespect to the personality of the receiver and it still baffles me how someone would receive reddish swollen marks, scratch and bruising, strain, and still such acts are excitement of intensity pleasures and arousals. My question is, since when does pain or crack become a form of enjoyment and relaxation?
 Don’t expect heart stopping intercourse, it may claim your life. Although at the moment of sexual escapade, it might not seem like you are endangering your heart and life because of the amount of fun you’re experiencing at that moment, but remember that sex is still a form of exercise with particularly steamy sessions burning over 300 calories in an hour. And research has found that the increased physical exertion during sexual activity can actually triple your risk of a heart attack in the hours shortly after it.
Questions and Answers
My vagina aches nonstop
I gave birth to my first child three months ago. I noticed that anytime my husband and I are  making love, a part in my vagina aches me nonstop and at times, it aches me and stops. Sometimes when I want to urinate, it aches a little. At first, I felt it was injury from the stitches I had after delivery because I was given episiotomy in two places but after ‘sit bath’ with salt, I felt it ought to have stopped. Please, is it normal?
Obiagheli Silvanus
Hi Obi, you should still continue with your sit bath and also Kegel exercise ‘sit bath’ should be done as long as you still feel the pain or produce some blood stain discharge from your vagina.
At what stage should a lady start douching?
Every lady in my hostel does vaginal douching. My best friend says it is very helpful and that my not doing it may harm me. I am confused. Is it healthy or harmful? At what stage should a lady start douching?
Mimili jamiu Hamed
The word ‘’douche’’ is French for ‘’wash’’ or ‘’soak.’’ It is a method to wash out the vagina, usually with a mixture of water and vinegar. An estimated 20 per cent to 40 per cent women between ages 15 and 44 say they use a vaginal douche. They say it helps to get rid of unpleasant odours, wash away menstrual blood after their period, avoid getting sexually transmitted diseases, and prevent a pregnancy after intercourse, besides making them feel fresher. Douching is not effective for any of these purposes. It can actually increase the risk of infections, pregnancy complications, and other health problems. One study found that douching during the six months before pregnancy reduced the risk of preterm delivery. Overall, the risks of douching far outweigh the benefits. Douching upsets the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina; these changes make the environment more favourable for the growth of bacteria that cause infection. Research has found that women who douche have a 73 per cent higher risk of getting PID. Women who douche more than once a week have more difficulty getting pregnant than those who don’t douche. Douching also increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy by as much as 76 per cent. With an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo implants outside the uterus. The more a woman douches, the greater the risk of having an ectopic pregnancy. Douching at least once a week has been linked to an increased chance of developing cervical cancer. You should avoid douching. Having some vaginal odour is normal. However, if you notice a very strong odour, it could be a sign of infection. The acidity of the vagina will naturally control bacteria, and simply washing the vagina with warm water and mild soap is enough to keep clean.
Is it true that women have a harder time losing weight than men?
Is it true that women have a harder time losing weight than men and does one’s genes always control whether one can lose weight fast or not? I have been trying to lose weight to enjoy sex better but all my efforts are not enough. My husband said it is in my gene. Please, explain better.
Tope Omolaya
While everyone is different, women typically find it harder to lose weight than men. That’s because men have more lean muscle mass and a higher resting metabolic rate. Also, women store fat differently from men; more of it goes to their thighs, buttocks, and hips, where it can be harder to shed. Also the female hormones promote the storage of calories as fat, and fat takes up more space than muscle. Genes can have a great impact on how hard or how easy it is for one to lose weight, but a person’s lifestyle and habits are far more important. Some people are bound to carry more fat on their bodies because of their genes. No matter what their lifestyle choices, they may never be as thin as people with thinner genes. You can offset some of those genetic tendencies, however, and lose weight by being more active. Whatever your weight, good nutrition and regular exercise are important for your sex life and overall health.
I got married not knowing that I was pregnant for my former boyfriend
I got married not knowing that I was pregnant for my former boyfriend. Now, the baby is born for my husband, what do I do? I am confused even though none of them is aware of the situation on ground.
Blessing Andrew
I think you first need to pray to God for a divine intervention and wisdom on how to present the matter to your husband. Then approach him and open up; do not hold anything back. Tell him the whole truth; nothing but the truth. Then ask him for his decision on the matter, assuring him that his decision is what you will abide with. He may likely suggest you both keep the child and the child bear his name or your former boyfriend’s name, or he may suggest you give the baby to either of your parents, or he may suggest that you give the baby back to the owner or give the baby up for adoption. Whatever the suggestion may be, please be prepared but he deserves to know the truth because the truth will reveal itself sooner or later. It will be chaotic when he discovers this from another source and not from you.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

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