Sunday 24 November 2013



When was the first time you were on radio?
I would say it was in the US where I studied Mass Communication. Our class was like a radio station for the school because we had to do practical. We were broadcasting in the class and that was in 1986. Asides class, the first time was with Ray Power in 1994/95.
When was the first time you appeared on television?
Television was a year later when AIT started. I was elated because it was something I had always wanted to do. I was part of the pioneers of the first 24-hours television service and it was huge for me. Making history made me elated because it was something new to me, to be part of the team gave me a good felling.
What is the name of your first car?
That was a Ford Siesta. I got it in 1981 when I just started in school. It was a typical student car that was there to get me around. I got it for about $2,500.
What is the name of your first child?
Jazmyne Adeneye and she is 19-years-old.
What is the name of your first best friend?
His name is Dennis Akiti. I met him when I was 8-years-old in primary school and we have been friends even till now.
Who was your first mentor?
I would say my father is my first mentor. I patterned my life to be like his. Whenever I am at a cross road, I think of what my father would do at such and I follow suit with what I believe he would do.
Who was the first person that believed in you?
I would still say it was my father because while growing, I was some sort of a bad boy. He kept telling me that he knew I would amount to something in life. He never gave up on me and said that I would do way better than he did in life. So far, he was right.
What is the name of your first love?
Her name is Yetunde. I met her during my Higher School Certificate. I spent few months in the school, Federal School of Arts which is now the Law School before I travelled abroad and we lost contact.

Source : Punch Nigeria
Via; @FreshMindWorld

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